How to extract twitter data using Twitter API?
Twitter has an enormous amount of tweets every day, and every tweet has some information which social media marketers using for their analysis.
tweepy is required library for this recipe. Installing tweepy on your computer is a very simple. You simply need to install it using pip.
pip install tweepy
Tweeter Data Collection for Analysis
import tweepyfrom tweepy import OAuthHandler# Your Twittter App Credentialsconsumer_key = "XXXXXXXXXXX"consumer_secret = "YYYYYYYYYYY"access_token = "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"access_token_secret = "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP"# Calling APIauth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)api = tweepy.API(auth)# Provide the keyword you want to pull the data e.g. "Pandas".keyword = "Pandas"# Fetching tweetstweets =, count=10, lang='en', exclude='retweets',tweet_mode='extended')for item in tweets:print(item)
The `consumer key`, `consumer secret`, `access token` and `access token secret` you can get from Twitter developer portal after login and create your app. The above program on execution pull the top 10 tweets with the keyword Pandas is searched. The API will pull English tweets since the language given is “en” and it will exclude retweets.
Thank you for reading.
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